The Circle of Security Parenting Program (COSP)

Welcome to Circle of Security. Here are some founding principles that underlie the Circle of Security model:

1. Attachment problems in infancy and early childhood increase the probability of psychopathology later on in life.

2. Secure attachment relationships with caregivers are a protective factor for infants and preschoolers, setting the foundation for social competence and promoting effective functioning of the emotion regulation and stress response systems.

3. The quality of the attachment relationship is amenable to change.

4. Learning, including therapeutic change, occurs from within a secure base relationship.

5. Lasting change in the attachment relationship comes from caregivers’ developing specific relationship capacities rather than learning techniques to manage behaviour.

6. All caregivers want what is best for their children.

What is Circle of Security?

COS is a program with the goal of enhancing secure attachment between parents and children. Caregivers want to do their best whenever they can, and want secure relationships with their children, but what does that mean? Children don’t come with a manual, and it can be hard to know how to respond to the difficult behaviours, and know how to manage them, as every child is different. But… children are born experts on the circle of security. Learning how to use COS is learning the manual on children. The COS road map (pictured here) helps us ask our questions in a different way, and approach things differently. Through COS, we do things differently, think outside the box, and switch the focus to the behaviour as communication of a need.

Intro to COS video

COSP at The Psych Hive will run for 8 weeks, for roughly 1.5 hours per week, in person, at our hive in Deakin, ACT, on a weekday night at 5.30pm.

Click the button to submit a “contact us” form and express your interest for the upcoming group.